Stage 4 load shedding sticking around all week – here’s the new schedule

 ·3 Dec 2023

Power utility Eskom says that stage 4 load shedding will continue this week, only dropping down to stage 3 during the day.

In order to manage emergency reserves, stage 4 load shedding will remain in force until 05h00 on Monday.

Thereafter, stage 3 load shedding will be implemented from 05h00 until 16h00, followed by stage 4 load shedding until 05h00 on Tuesday.

This pattern of stage 3 load shedding in the morning and stage 4 load shedding in the evening will be repeated daily until Friday 16h00.

Unplanned outages are at 12,648MW and planned maintenance is at 6,814MW of generation capacity.

Sunday, 3 December

  • Stage 4: until 00h00

Monday, 4 December

  • Stage 4: 00h00 to 05h00
  • Stage 3: 05h00 to 16h00
  • Stage 4: 16h00 to 00h00

Tuesday, 5 December

  • Stage 4: 00h00 to 05h00
  • Stage 3: 05h00 to 16h00
  • Stage 4: 16h00 to 00h00

Wednesday, 6 December

  • Stage 4: 00h00 to 05h00
  • Stage 3: 05h00 to 16h00
  • Stage 4: 16h00 to 00h00

Thursday, 7 December

  • Stage 4: 00h00 to 05h00
  • Stage 3: 05h00 to 16h00
  • Stage 4: 16h00 to 00h00

Friday, 8 December

  • Stage 4: 00h00 to 05h00
  • Stage 3: 05h00 to 16h00
  • Stage 4: 16h00 to 00h00


For people living in the major metros, load shedding schedules are available here:

For access to other load shedding schedules, Eskom has made them available on

Smartphone users can also download the app EskomSePush to receive push notifications when load shedding is implemented, as well as the times the area you are in will be off.

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